
Anxy: The Workaholism Issue

Created by Team Anxy

Anxy is a beautiful magazine about our inner worlds. Now we're looking at the spectrum from work to workaholism.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Less than 24 hours to go for Anxy No. 3!
almost 6 years ago – Wed, Jun 06, 2018 at 11:37:31 PM

But we’re not ready to rush off to the printing presses just yet. Help us make sure everyone has the chance to support our campaign while there’s still time.

Every piece of extra support counts.

Please continue to share our story with your friends, family and community. Tell them they can pick up all three issues of our magazine, a beautiful postcard set, or a limited edition Anxy blanket. You can also upgrade your reward to give a copy of Anxy to someone special, or buy a subscription for someone who would appreciate having Anxy in their life.

We'd also love your help spreading the word on social media: Tag @anxymag in your posts, tweet about us, or share our story on Facebook.

Oh, and we still have our sights on that extra special Anxy Podcast stretch goal!

Can we make another $12K in less than 24 hours? We haven’t crossed the idea off our list yet : ) Thank you for helping us get this far—we wouldn’t be where we are today without your support. We can’t wait to bring Issue No. 3 to you soon!


Team Anxy

100%—and going strong! Our stretch goal: The Anxy Podcast
almost 6 years ago – Fri, Jun 01, 2018 at 03:29:34 AM

WOO HOO!! The Boundaries Issue is officially funded! And to celebrate, we’re announcing an extra special stretch goal...

You’ve brought us so far, so fast. We’re grateful for the overwhelming support you’ve shown once again. This may be our third Kickstarter, but it doesn’t make running a campaign any less nerve wracking. Your encouragement gets us through each day—and with your support, we’re reaching new milestones.

Let’s use the last few days to make another dream come true.

Our $35K Stretch Goal: The Anxy Podcast

Many of you have said an Anxy Podcast would be awesome—if we reach another $15K, we’ll make an original series.

As a publication that talks about mental health on the regular, a podcast feels like a natural next step in the Anxy story. In addition to the thoughtfully curated content you’re used to getting, this new format will help us deliver:

  • Honest, informal discussions about very personal topics
  • Candid interviews with smart, interesting and talented folks
  • Real time answers to your burning questions
  • Behind-the-scenes Anxy updates
  • ...and so much more.

Help us make this dream come true!

Share the news with other podcast fans: Tweet about us / Post about us

Be one of the first to sponsor the Anxy Podcast: We’re extending our Patron and Benefactor pledge levels to the Anxy podcast, too—your company can now get a spot mention when you pledge $1,000 or more.

Thank you for celebrating with us.

And if you haven't supported us yet, there's still time! Only 6 days to be exact. Carpe Diem. 

Team Anxy

Issue No. 3 is halfway there!
almost 6 years ago – Wed, May 23, 2018 at 09:15:47 PM

We made it past the halfway point—in just over one week.

For those of you who supported us once again, thank you for your continued support. If you haven't checked out our third campaign yet, you can do so here.

Artwork by Laurene Boglio
Artwork by Laurene Boglio

That said, there are only 15 days to go!

We need all the help we can get to make Issue No. 3 a reality. Social media is one of our strongest allies, so please continue to tweet, gram, post, share—and repeat! Here are some images you can use, and some sample text, too:

“I've backed @anxymag on @kickstarter before, and you should too! Help me celebrate #mentalhealthmonth and show your support for their third issue at”

Thanks again for your support.

We can’t wait to get Issue No. 3 to the presses!


Team Anxy

We’re back with another issue!
almost 6 years ago – Tue, May 15, 2018 at 01:13:18 PM

Dear Anxy Fans,

YOU are amazing: You’ve been with Anxy from the start. You backed our previous Kickstarter campaigns, you know our story, you’ve read our first two issues—you might even be repping an Anxy tote (or three). Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for being an original fan.

Over the past few months, we've been hard at work on our third issue. We’ve read some incredible stories, collaborated with an amazing team of writers, journalists, photographers and artists, and designed another beautiful magazine that brings it all together.

Today, we are thrilled to bring you Anxy No. 3: The Boundaries Issue 

Personal boundaries help define what’s okay, and what’s not. They can protect our sense of self, or reflect our sense of self worth. Sometimes, they appear unexpectedly—other times, we’re not sure they exist at all.

What do our boundaries say about who we are, where we’ve been and how we’re feeling? How are they shaped by our anxiety? Our trauma? Our mental health? When do we build our boundaries up, and when do we let them slide?

Anxy No. 3 explores our relationship with boundaries through Anxy’s signature mix of essays, interviews, photography and artwork.

Highlights include: An interview with hip-hop artist Open Mike Eagle; writing from Alana Hope Levinson, Samantha Irby and Melody Wilding; photography by Kendrick Brinson, Diego Ibarra Sanchez and Aundre Larrow; artwork from Merijn Hos, Daiana Ruiz and Mike McKenney.

Kickstarter has become our platform of choice. Printing and shipping take up over 60% of our budget each issue, which means making a big commitment up front. Kickstarter helps us secure pre-sales while growing organically with your support. We're looking into other strategies, too, and will update you on memberships, sponsorship opportunities and partner collaborations in the future.

This time, your help spreading the word is what we need most!

We realize you’ve done your fair share of helping out—from backing us before to purchasing a subscription. You’ve been there at every step, and we are forever grateful.

Our social media channels are lighting up with launch day posts. We hope you can retweet, repost, and repurpose the news with your community, too. Here are some steps you can take right now get help us start strong:

  • Pre-order your copy (if you’re not already a subscriber)
  • Share our campaign on social media
  • Forward this email to a few Anxy friends

As a token of our appreciation for your long-time support, we’ll be including this exclusive badge with your next issue or reward. Stick it on the cover of your Anxy No. 3, your laptop, bathroom mirror—wherever you need a reminder of how awesome you are.

You rock!


The Anxy Team

Did we miss anything?
about 6 years ago – Wed, Mar 28, 2018 at 01:56:05 PM

Dear Anxy Backers,

How has 2018 been shaping up for you? We’ve been hard at work sending subscriptions and putting together our third issue (more on that later!). But before things get too far along, we want to check in and make sure you’re all set.

First, thanks again for helping bring our second issue to life.

What a way to kick off the New Year! We’ve sent over 1,000 copies of Issue No. 2 in the first few months -- and couldn’t have done it without you. Your support has also helped spark conversations around mental health within the wider Bay Area community. We were recently invited to talk about anxiety at Creative Mornings SF, host a panel discussion on creativity and workaholism at VSCO, and share the personal journey behind Anxy at BackerKit’s Bond Conference.

Second, our new Anxy swag is here and ready to ship!

Those beautiful notebooks, pencils, postcards and posters you’ve been patiently waiting for are going out by the end of this week. For those of you getting the Chau Luong zine, please give us a couple extra weeks to wrap things up before we ship. We know it’s hard to wait, and we’re sorry it’s taken a bit to get your goods out the door. But maybe getting multiple things in the mail over time is more fun than getting everything all at once? We hope so.

And finally, let us know if there’s anything we missed.

If you haven’t received your issue at all, you may still need to fill out the Backer Survey. Either way, drop us a note at [email protected] and we’ll help figure it out.

Stay tuned: Issue No. 3 is already in the works. 

This time, we’ll be talking about boundaries. Stay in touch for news and updates:






Indhi + The Anxy Team